Alcohol and Drug Evaluation (aka, Substance Abuse Evaluation) includes a clinical component using standardized psychosocial assessment tools, and a detailed written report describing the results. The results of the assessment are used to suggest what is likely to be the most appropriate type of treatment when tobacco, alcohol, or drug abuse in an individual is evident. During the in-depth substance abuse assessment, which will assist you in understanding your relationship with drugs and alcohol, as well as the necessary steps to treat it. Upon completion of your evaluation, you will have a clearer understanding of the scope and depth of your problem, and your assessor will provide individualized treatment recommendations that will assist you in making healthy changes in the specific problem areas identified during the assessment.
The Alcohol and Drug Evaluation counselor provides a preliminary diagnosis of an individual’s chemical dependency and recommendations for treatment to address specific needs. This service is often used as a referral or disposition resource by the courts, Family Protective Child Protective Services (CPS), companies, schools and other third parties. Recommendations may include addiction treatment or referrals to physical and mental health practitioners, family counselors, or other helping professionals. Our evaluation is widely accepted by local adult and/or juvenile probation offices, Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), CPS, & others.
Our work is guided by several important values and principles that we feel contribute to the strong, trusting and respectful connections our clients form with our therapists.